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Bitten2 This article is about the book series. For the television show, see Jeremy Danvers on The Bitten Wiki.

Jeremy Malcolm Edward Danvers is a werewolf and former Alpha of the North American Werewolf Pack.



Jeremy is half-Japanese. He has longish black hair and slightly slanted, dark eyes. His build is lean and lithe, muscular without being bulky. He is 6'2" tall.


Jeremy hates interacting with humans and orders most of his goods through catalogs and deliveries. He is a terrible cook and has meal services delivered to the house.

He is haunted by memories of growing up in Stonehaven under his father's eye. As a result, he frequently redecorates to banish those memories.[1] His room is mostly bare and undecorated, at least when Clay was a child.[2]

Mundane Skills[]

He is skilled at languages, working from home as a translator for much of his life.

He is also a skilled artist, and was mentored in art by a unnamed New York artist who had succumbed to arthritis. His paintings become valued enough to become his primary source of income.

Jeremy is the Pack medic, a role he took on after Clay broke his arm as a child and Jeremy had to kill a hospital tech to keep werewolves a secret.

One of his hobbies is marksmanship. He is skilled with both archery and shooting pistols. He uses this to improve upon his physical and mental control.

As Werewolf Alpha[]

He is relatively peace-loving for a werewolf, eliminating the mutt hunts and avoiding needless fighting. When he must fight, he is strategic and often underestimated,

As a werewolf, Jeremy has preternatural strength and senses. He has additional senses as a Kogitsune, or male fox demi-demon. He can communicate telepathically with loved ones and locate them when in danger. He sometimes experiences visions of their location. Jeremy also has an instinctive urge to draw protective runes, though he does not always know exactly what they mean.

Although Jeremy loves his family and his Pack, he chafes more and more at the burden of being Alpha. He tells Jaime that he hates being protected from danger, having to keep Pack bodyguards with him anytime something interesting is happening. He didn't particularly want to become Alpha, but the alternative was Malcolm taking it abusing the power. Jeremy looks forward to handing off the role to Elena.

In the Series[]


1947: Malcolm discovers the human woman he slept with is pregnant. He intends to kill Jeremy after he is born, but his father Edward learns of it and comes to retrieve the infant. Jeremy's mother pleads for Edward to protect Jeremy from Malcolm, and Edward agrees.


1969-1970: Malcolm tells members of the Pack about the feral werewolf child he came across in Baton Rogue. Jeremy travels to to Louisiana and slowly gains Clay's trust, then takes him home to Stonehaven.

Jeremy tries to socialize Clay, introducing him to Nick Sorrentino and enrolling him in kindergarten while teaching him academics at home. Eventually he introduces Clay to the Alpha and is permitted to keep him even though Clay is still largely feral.

When Jeremy is approached by Carl Pritchard, a mutt who wants to fight Malcolm but who will settle for Jeremy, Jeremy doesn't want to fight him but is forced into it. Jeremy easily outmaneuvers Pritchard and kills him.

Peter Myers, comes to Stonehaven to tell Jeremy he's leaving the Pack. Jeremy tries to talk him round but Peter has made up his mind, Jeremy was just the only one he wanted to say goodbye to before he left.

When Clay breaks an arm jumping down an elevator shaft on a dare, Jeremy must kill the innocent lab tech who had examined Clay's blood and found irregularities at the hospital. Jeremy realizes the necessity of having a trained medic who can care for werewolves and begins his own medical training.


1972-1985: Jeremy and Malcolm continue to butt heads, with Malcolm assuming Jeremy is trying to put himself on a path to Alphahood.

Jeremy displays preternatural senses beyond that of werewolves when he realizes Peter is in trouble down in Los Angeles. Malcolm is allowed to train Clay in exchange for supporting Peter's return to the pack.

As Clay reaches high school age, Jeremy wants him to go away to a good college but Clay doesn't want to leave home.

Dominic Sorentino, the Alpha, dies. Malcolm makes a bid for the role but Jeremy enacts a vote instead of a physical fight. After a long stalemate and the loss of several Pack members, Malcolm finally makes a physical attack on Jeremy and loses. Jeremy is now Alpha.


c. 1980: Logan Jonsen appears at Stonehaven asking about Jeremy. Clay thinks he is a young hereditary wolf trying to make a name for killing the Alpha, but Jeremy realizes Logan hasn't even had his first Change yet. He suspects Logan's unknown father directed Logan toward Stonehaven in hopes that Logan would be taken into the Pack. Jeremy decides to keep Logan, teach him about being a werewolf, and make him part of the Pack.


1988: Clay brings home a human fiance who Jeremy was completely unaware of. Jeremy asks to speak to Elena alone, to get to know her and figure out how to shoo her away. Clay panics and bites her, so Jeremy banishes Clay from Stonehaven even as he prepares to take guide Elena through the Change.


1989: Jeremy spends a year teaching Elena how to control her abilities, dealing with her attitude, and foiling her repeated escape attempts. He also enforces Clay's banishment, even as he sneaks in to seek Elena's forgiveness.

1998: Jeremy allows Elena to move to Toronto, as long as she agrees to come if ever called back for an emergency.

1999: When mutts invade Bear Valley and commit enough murders to catch human attention, Jeremy orders Elena to return and help deal with the problem. Jeremy must make hard decisions about how to handle the uprising while playing as a buffer for Elena and Clayton's emotional outbursts. He also deals with the losses of members Logan Jonsen and Peter Myers.


During the mutt uprising, while Clay and Elena are in Toronto, Jeremy wonders if he is doing the right thing and making the right choices.


2000: Jeremy, along with the rest of the Pack, discovers the existence of the broader supernatural community. When Elena is captured, Jeremy must work with the Interracial Council while keeping Clay under control.

Afterward, Jeremy becomes the werewolf delegate on the Interracial Council.

Wedding Bell Hell[]

c. 2002: Jeremy is mentioned as a guest at Lucas and Paige's wedding.


2004: When Eve seeks Jaime's help to locate the Nix, Jaime calls Jeremy for help identifying suspicious murder sprees. He immediately lists off a number of possible cases.


2004: Jeremy carefully monitors Elena's pregnancy and studies everything he can about it from human textbooks. He helps her steal the From Hell letter, and then stays with her and Clay as they deal with the resulting zombie attacks. Afterward, he helps Elena deliver the babies.

No Humans Involved[]

2005: Jeremy visits Jaime Vegas in Las Vegas, while she is filming a show. He helps her solve the mystery of the spirits in the backyard of the house she is staying at. He admits he has been interested in her romantically for the better part of a year, and they begin dating.

Living with the Dead[]

Karl mentions asking Jeremy for advice on what to do in regards to Hope's friend, Robyn.


Jeremy is approached by a kitsune, or fox-maiden demigod, who says he is the last of a dying race called Kogitsune. They want to use him as stud stock to continue their own numbers. Jeremy tricks the three kitsune into believing he has a biological son out in the world, and so they go out to find him in hopes of making more of their people. Jaime arranges for Jeremy to get protection runes tattooed onto himself - the same protection runes that kept the kitsune away from her.


Clay and Elena call Jeremy several times to get advice while they are in Alaska. He eventually joins them to help fight the mutts. Afterward, he and Jaime join them for a cabin getaway with Logan and Kate.

Spell Bound[]




From Russia, with Love[]

The Pack goes on vacation in Russia, and Jeremy engages Elena in chess match. When she wins, he cedes the role of Alpha to her.


Malcolm Danvers[]

Jeremy has always had a strained relationship with his father, who had intended to kill him as a baby. Malcolm is even more disappointed as Jeremy grows up to be a quiet, thoughtful boy who is disinclined toward violence. Jeremy is mostly raised by his grandfather Edward. Edward leaves Stonehaven to Jeremy after his death and requires Jeremy to manage Malcolm's allowance, causing further friction between father and son.

When Jeremy rescues Clay from the bayou, Malcolm takes an interest in the feral child. Jeremy and Clay both see the value in letting Malcolm teach Clay how to fight, but Malcolm remains bitter than Clay sees Jeremy as a father-figure instead of himself.

Clayton Danvers[]

Clay is devoted to Jeremy, who rescued him as a feral werewolf child from the bayou. Clay has always viewed Jeremy as his Alpha even before Jeremy held the title. When Clay was a teenager and Jeremy a relatively new Alpha of the Pack, Clay brutally mutilated a trespassing mutt to send a message to all the others: stay away from Jeremy. He knows how much Jeremy hates to fight and will do anything to defend him, even get himself labeled as a sadistic brute of a Beta.

The greatest rift between them came when Clay bit Elena, and Jeremy banished Clay from Stonehaven so he could focus on helping Elena adjust to being a werewolf.

Elena Michaels[]

Elena sees Jeremy as a father-figure in addition to her Alpha. After Elena and Clay settled their differences for good, Jeremy began subtly training Elena to succeed him as Alpha. He put her in leadership positions, having her make decisions in the field that would normally be referred to the Alpha. He puts these plans on hold when she gets pregnant, as he wants her to focus on raising her family.

Eventually, once Elena's children are school-aged, he sets up a chess match. Elena beats him and peacefully takes on the Alpha role.

Jaime Vegas[]

Jaime and Jeremy meet through their work on the Interracial Council. Although Jaime has a schoolgirl-like crush on him from the beginning, he doesn't notice her romantically for several years. Once he does begin to see her that way, it takes him a year to actually act on those feelings. They are cautious, not wanting to ruin their friendship if being lovers doesn't work out. Jeremy also warns Jaime of the dangers of being mate to an Alpha, and how his first priority must always be to his Pack. Jaime understands.

Once they start dating, Jeremy continues to live at Stonehaven and Jaime continues to travel for her shows. They steal time together whenever possible and treasure their rather unconventional relationship.

Antonio Sorrentino[]

Jeremy's best friend, from childhood through becoming Pack Alpha.

Savannah Levine[]

Jeremy knows Savannah through Elena and is fond of her. Savannah visits Stonehaven most summers and they share an interest in art.


  • Due to dates listed in the graphic novel Becoming, there is some uncertainty whether Jeremy became Alpha in 1983 or 1985
  • Jeremy was raised by his grandfather who died before Jeremy could go to college, meaning Jeremy had to begin working to pay the bills.
  • When Jeremy was nine years old his father killed someone in Stonehaven and tried to convince him it was his fault.
  • The falsified documents Jeremy buys on Clay's behalf in 1969 list Jeremy as Clay's cousin and guardian, it is unknown if they underwent some form of legal or forged adoption afterwards.
  • Jeremy avoided fighting in Vietnam, as with the rest of the Pack he illegally purchased draft passes to avoid the dangers of long term contact with humans risking his exposure.
  • The terms of Edward Danvers will means Jeremy owns the Stonehaven estate and inherited his grandfathers money. If Jeremy died or became permanently injured before he was thirty five and had no children then Stonehaven would go to charity and a letter detailing Malcolms crimes would be delivered to the Alpha, keeping Jeremy safe from Malcolm trying to kill or maim him to take control of the estate.
  • Many notable events happened under Jeremy's leadership as Alpha;
    •  1985- Mutt hunts, sanctioned or otherwise, were forbidden.
    • 1987- Mutts guilty of man-eating or exposure threats were dealt with in a proscribed manner
    • 1988- Began tracking the movements of mutts as well as keeping detailed dossiers on each known and discovered mutt regardless of their actions.
    • 1989- Introduction of Elena Michaels, the first female Werewolf to join the North American Pack.
    • 1999- Defeated a mutt revolt led by Daniel Santos, a former Pack member.
    • 2000- Rejoined the Interracial Council and the rest of the Supernatural world.
    • As well as reaching out to international Pack's and fostering connections and alliances with them.

